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Alison Edgar James Stewart and student Kieran Kaur

Sales specialist takes up role as school business ambassador

A dyslexic who overcame adversity to enjoy a successful corporate career which took her around the world has become a business ambassador at her local school.

Sales specialist Alison Edgar, who founded Sales Coaching Solutions, admits that her Glasgow school never expected her to be a high achiever.

Abbeyfield School in ChippenhamHowever, she went on to work with blue chip companies including Yell, Douwe Egberts and BT as well as spending the early part of her career working for large global hotel chains in the Channel Islands, Australia and South Africa.

Her recent success in setting up her own business, Sales Coaching Solutions Ltd in 2011, has prompted her to give something back to young people studying at Abbeyfield School in Chippenham.

“I do feel the need to give something back to my community and to offer inspiration to young people. I’d like them to know that there are many options out there to consider, including running your own business,” said Alison, who was invited to support students at the school by careers coordinator James Stewart.

“Alison has been an inspiration to our students here at Abbeyfield School. She has gone out of her way on numerous occasions to help out the school,” said James.

“Alison has attended mock interviews, been part of a presentation panel, spoken to classes and attended our careers fair.

“She’s always been very motivational and inspirational to our students, she comes across extremely well to both young people and adults and her friendly personality has enabled our students to converse with her on many levels.”