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Charles Elvin of the Institute of Leadership & Management

One in five workers plans to jump ship this year

Almost one in five UK workers plan to leave their jobs this year, a new survey by the Institute of Leadership & Management has revealed.

The survey also reveals that almost 80 percent of those planning to leave their jobs hope to work for a different company, and 16 percent are leaving because they do not feel valued.

Of those who are leaving, the vast majority would like a similar (40 percent) or a different role at a new company, while one in ten would like to start their own business.

Almost one fifth (16 percent) of the people aiming to leave their job, said they were moving on because they do not feel valued by their current organisation.

Charles Elvin, chief executive of the Institute of Leadership & Management, said: “The New Year is always a popular time for workers to look ahead and think about how they can progress.

“Our findings show that UK employees are beginning to reassess the job market and look into a range of new opportunities, from starting a new job to developing a new business.”

He added: “The survey illustrates just how crucial it is that workers feel valued in the workplace. As many workers like to make a change at this time of year, it is important that organisations adapt to this phase by offering the chance to learn new skills and opportunities to progress wherever possible.”

The findings also revealed a clear desire to improve the standards of leadership in organisations, with almost one fifth of UK workers (19 percent) hoping to improve their own leadership skills this year and 17 percent hoping for more transparent leadership from their boss.