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Malcolm Gregory

Mock tribunal will give insight into procedures

The chance to gain first hand experience of an employment tribunal is being offered by Wiltshire solicitors Withy King, who are hosting a mock trial at the end of the month.

The Employment team at Withy King in conjunction with 3PB Barristers’ Chambers, who specialise in employment law will be putting on the event at Swindon College on Thursday, January 30.

The event is aimed at HR professionals, managers, senior managers and directors who have responsibility for staff issues.

Malcolm Gregory of the Withy King’s Swindon-based employment team, explained: “The event will provide an insight into how a tribunal is structured and a claim is progressed; how to prepare for a Tribunal hearing; how to formulate effective witness statements and avoid some common pitfalls.”

The Tribunal will involve a real Employment Judge, barristers from 3PB and witnesses for the claimant and respondent.

After hearing the evidence the Employment Judge will retire before delivering the Judgment.

The three-hour event runs from 4.30pm. For more information, or to book a place, email or call 0800 051 8066.