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Nicola Grosvenor of Wansbroughs

Grey divorce becomes a growing trend, with very specific issues

Recent research has highlighted the growing trend for divorce in the over-60s, with people setting up in new relationships, married and cohabiting, or living on their own. 
Nicola Grosvenor, specialist divorce solicitor at Devizes law firm Wansbroughs, believes this growing trend stems in part from the fact that they can afford to live separately.
She advises people to ensure they get the best possible legal advice: “Such couples often have substantial pensions, a home they own outright and other investments.  Prompt legal advice is necessary to ensure both people’s future financial security, and ensure the needs of any wider family are also considered.”
She also advises people to consider their situation if a new relationship starts, “people should consider how they wish their assets to be disposed of once they begin a new relationship.  Putting their views down in a will or even a pre-nuptial agreement is a very sensible idea.”
“People are advised to consider the provisions in their wills throughout their lives and in particular when there are changes in a relationship.

“Take care, some people believe they can use their will to address some of the financial issues that arise when a relationship breaks down or a new relationship starts, but this is not the case,” Nicola continues. 

“A pre-nuptial agreement may be helpful in some cases, but in all circumstance people are advised to take good legal advice.”