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The Central Chippenham Partnership Masterplan - a planning application has been submitted

Central Chippenham Partnership submits planning application for 54 acre site

Central Chippenham Partnership has submitted an outline planning application to Wiltshire Council to redevelop Hathaway Retail Park and much of Langley Park in Chippenham.

CCP’s plans aim to regenerate the 54 acre site of existing retail and dilapidated industrial buildings, situated to the north of the town centre, with a mixed-use development to include leisure, retail, offices, industrial and residential uses.

The Masterplan was finalised following extensive workshops and consultation events held in Chippenham over the last 12 months to receive feedback from the public, key stakeholders and the wider business community.

Alterations were made to the Partnership’s plans in response to the consultations, including realignment of the spine road at the northern end of the site, following comments from residents living in Clift Road, and the closure of pedestrian links to Hawthorn Road and Tugela Road in response to objections from some of the residents living there.

Wayne Locke, regional director for Ashtenne, said: “We are extremely pleased to submit this planning application which has been prepared following detailed technical research and listening to the people of the town.

“Chippenham has huge potential and CCP’s proposals to encourage people back to into the town centre with new leisure and shopping, to create opportunities for improved pedestrian  access over the railway line and improve the employment area to  attract and retain jobs are essential to catalyse further economic growth and investment in the town.”

“Through our extensive hands on approach to consultation, we believe we have addressed issues raised by stakeholders, local residents and the business community of Chippenham.

“We have done this through a wide range of channels, from social media and press activity to public consultation events, workshops and site walk-arounds, to establish a thorough idea of the town’s requirements.”

CCP – a joint venture between Aberdeen Property UK Retail Parks Trust and Ashtenne Industrial Fund –  expects to hear before Christmas whether the planning application has been successful.